Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Lose Weight Through Exercise

If you are a person who has not participated in any kind of sport for some time and would now like to lose weight through exercise, I have some tips that hopefully will be of benefit to you.

A person who has never played sports and wishes to lose those extra pounds accumulated during a vacation or the holiday season, should begin their exercises in a very slow manner. If you have access to a gym, this would be the best route to take.

You should begin very slowly and not exceed 15 Minutes training the first time. Keep a record of your activities and go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week. Each day you should increase your training by 2 to 3 minutes.

The mistake that most people make is trying to do in a very short time, what has not been done in a very long time. Slowly build up your stamina over time, no need to over exercise which may cause a mild trauma, injury or simple muscle ache which will give you a good enough reason to quit.

We should not forget that exercise is a lot more effective when practised for a short time each day over many weeks, rather than for a long time once per week. What happens when you only practice once per week, in a months time if you have not achieved your objective you will abandon the training.

Your training should follow a definite patter if you want to lose weight through daily exercise, start with some stretching exercises for 5 to 10 min to get you warmed up, then continue on with your main session.

It is also important to give your body a break every few days, for example take a break over the weekend.

When looking to lose a significant amount of weight it is advisable to also watch what you eat and drink. Avoid fried foods, deep-fried batter, bread and alcohol. The best foods to take are fish, white meat (poultry) either boiled, steamed or oven cooked.

When finished training you should take some foods that contain carbohydrates, milk, yoghurt and some fruits such as apples grapefruit and peach can also help to keep the hunger at bay.

If after a few weeks you are finding the exercises are now no problem and you decide to continue, I would advise not to check your weight on a regular basis. Some weeks you may not lose as much weight as in previous weeks and get discouraged.

Check your weight only every four weeks and if you have stuck to your regular pattern, you may well be surprised at how easy it is to lose weight through exercise.

If after losing the required weight, you will no doubt be feeling extremely happy and have an air of confidence you may not have felt in a long time. Congratulations is in order and to maintain your weight at a constant level keep up the daily exercise routine.

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